Based on the proprietary methodologies of Prof. Benjamin Gilad, leader in Business War Game with a large number of followers in various industries, companies and continents. Through the partnership between ADVS and Ben Gilad, we can run war games or through the ADVS-ACI courses, we can train people from your company to apply war games. As a pioneer, ACI has trained even its current competitors. Is there a better recommendation?
Fast and productive. Concise preparation
The vast majority of our games have a one-day duration, lower costs and less required time from executives. Our games are extremely intense and productive. Preparation involves the execution of a competitive intelligence process made by the company or externally. By our approach we need only 2 weeks in advance for preparation.
During the game day, teams take on the role of competitors and begin the “battle” by creating an in-depth understanding of the competitor’s perspective on the market and developing predictions of their moves (What will the competition do?). Then, several practical alternatives against the expected reactions of competitors and innovative actions are exhausted (How my plan will surprise them). It’s easy to see why our war games are so productive: we seek to have a realistic perception of the competitive landscape.
Ben Gilad’s book
Business War Games: How big, small and new companies can improve their strategies and surprise the competition.
Ben Gilad’s book
“My experience with War Games convinced me that it is the most effective tool for exposing obsolete assumptions, shaking up complacent thoughts, and revealing hidden human talents.”